Sunday, May 24, 2020
Struggle for Freedom - 2308 Words
Andrew Papis 1 May, 2012 Perspectives on the Individual Final Course Paper The Struggle for Freedom Human beings are emotional individuals. Their feelings direct them in one direction or the next, and brutally establish who they are, and what they do. It is the human environment that activates these emotions, and these emotions that in turn impact the human environment. They can be either positive or negative in nature, and are centered with government and society. When life is attained from a human being, their outlook on life becomes devious. Having a positive on life conceives comfort in many people’s lives. When an outside fury comes along and changes someone’s life, his or her attitude is going to change drastically. In three†¦show more content†¦At the end of Wiesel’s novel when Elie’s father grows sick, he is always near his father because he fears the death of his father’s is near. After his father passes away Elie says, â€Å"I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I had no more tears. And deep inside me, if I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last†(Wiesel 112)! The only freedom Elie believes his people will see is through death. That is the only way to achieve freedom and no longer be conducted by the Nazis. Freedom seemed improbable and impossible to the Jews, and their attitude mirrored this through their darkened views. Not only were they hopeless towards liberty, they were also extremely hopeless towards human life itself. The victims of the Holocaust depended mostly on the mere hope that they would be freed. Many had the realization that freedom was only through their death, so they forfeited their lives and took the hopes out of many. Individuals are capable of both love and greatness, but to go along with that, they’re also capable of cruelty and evil. In â€Å"Night†evil conquered all and Elie’s main struggle for freedom was competing to escape from evil. Escaping evil was Elie’s only freedom. Even though Elie escaped, he still had the horrific memories. He said when he looked himself in the mirror, â€Å"From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at meShow MoreRelatedThe Struggle For Freedom And Freedom1277 Words  | 6 Pages The struggle between nations may take on different forms but ultimately at the core all people fight for the same personal and political freedoms. Everyone wants to live a life full of e quality and prosperity. In some extreme cases these freedoms are blocked by few cruel individuals who for a period of time shape the course of nations. Regardless of the region or slight difference in ideology, all dictators share the same appetite for complete control and oppression. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Definition of an Angle
Angles are an integral facet in the study of mathematics, particularly geometry. Angles are formed by two rays (or lines) that begin at the same point or share the same endpoint. The point at which the two rays meet (intersect) is called the vertex. The angle measures the amount of turn between the two arms or sides of an angle and is usually measured in degrees or radians. An angle is defined by its measure (for example, degrees) and is not dependent upon the lengths of the sides of the angle. History of the Word The word angle is derived from the Latin word angulus, meaning corner and is related to the Greek word ankylÃŽ ¿s, meaning crooked, curved, and the English word ankle. Both Greek and English words come from the Proto-Indo-European root word ank- meaning to bend or bow. Types of Angles Angles that measure exactly 90 degrees are called right angles. Angles that measure less than 90 degrees are called acute angles. An angle that is exactly 180 degrees is called a straight angle (this appears as a straight line). Angles that measure greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees are called obtuse angles. Angles that are larger than a straight angle but less than one turn (between 180 degrees and 360 degrees) are called reflex angles. An angle that is 360 degrees, or equal to one full turn, is called a full angle or complete angle. For example, a typical rooftop is formed using an obtuse angle. The rays span out to accommodate the width of the house, with the apex located at the centerline of the house and the open end of the angle facing downward. The angle chosen must be sufficient to allow the water to flow off the roof easily but not so close to 180 degrees that the surface would be flat enough to allow water to pool. If the roof were constructed at a 90-degree angle (again, with the apex at the centerline and the angle opening outward and facing down) the house would likely have a much narrower footprint. As the measurement of the angle decreases, so too does the space between the rays. Naming an Angle Angles are usually named using alphabet letters to identify the different parts of the angle: the vertex and each of the rays. For example, angle BAC, identifies an angle with A as the vertex. It is enclosed by the rays, B and C. Sometimes, to simplify the naming of the angle, it is simply called angle A. Vertical and Adjacent Angles When two straight lines intersect at a point, four angles are formed, for example, A, B, C, and D angles. A pair of angles opposite each other, formed by two intersecting straight lines that form an X-like shape, are called vertical angles or opposite angles. The opposite angles are mirror images of one another. The degree of angles will be the same. Those pairs are named first. Since those angles have the same measure of degrees, those angles are considered equal or congruent. For example, pretend that the letter X is an example of those four angles. The top part of the X forms a V shape, that would be named angle A. The degree of that angle is exactly the same as the bottom part of the X, which forms a ^ shape, and that would be called angle B. Likewise, the two sides of the X form and shapes. Those would be angles C and D. Both C and D would share the same degrees, as they are opposite angles and are congruent. In this same example, angle A and angle C and are adjacent to each other, they share an arm or side. Also, in this example, the angles are supplementary, which mean that each of the two angles combined equals 180 degrees (one of those straight lines that intersected to form the four angles). The same can be said of angle A and angle D.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Chrysanthemums’s Character Analysis Elisa Allen Free Essays
Tran, Hillary John Steinbeck, â€Å"The Chrysanthemums†Character Analysis: Elisa Allen Elisa Allen is first portrayed as a woman who can take on any job as well as any man but in the end, becomes a woman of submissive femininity. The plot revolves around her journey of realization and conversion to femininity, which conclusively, labels her as a dynamic protagonist. We will write a custom essay sample on The Chrysanthemums’s Character Analysis: Elisa Allen or any similar topic only for you Order Now She works in a garden and farms and cultivates just as well as a man and never fails to amaze her husband of her skills. The story starts with her husband asking her to go into town for a nice dinner date night after he goes into the hills with their sun to look for some steers. As her husband goes off with the son, a stranger comes along their ranch and seeks for directions, as he is lost. His wagon cover reveals that he is a repairman for scissors, pans, and all other sorts of tools. He strikes a conversation and seems to be extremely interested in Elisa. However, there is slight tension within their conversation because it is obvious that he is looking for work to feed himself for the night, but she does not want to give in to his marketing scheme. He advertises that he can make any old tool or pan look brand new and it will be of an advantage to Ms. Allen; it is not until he asks for her chrysanthemums as a gift to an old lady friend down the road that Elisa begin to loosen up. Flattered by his praise to her planting work and feeling as if she should owe him something, Elisa digs out some old aluminum stove pots for him to fix. As he is repairing them, she asks him about life on the road and shows that she would love to live like a man despite his comments that it is dangerous for a woman to live like him. She pays him fifty cents and jokes that he might be coming along some new competition on the road because she too, can ring out the dents of any pots and sharpen scissors better than anyone else out there. They say their farewells and Elisa begins to get ready for dinner. She showers and glams up herself for night and her husband compliments her from looking â€Å"nice†to looking â€Å"strong†. She questions when he first says nice because she would rather look strong, as she prefers to be portrayed. This marks her transition from a masculine woman to a woman of femininity. Later, as they ride into town, Elisa asks her husband about the entertainment fights, that do women participate and go watch as well. He answers yes they do and asks if she would like to go although he knows she probably will not enjoy it. She replies no and turns up her collar to weep silently â€Å"like an old woman†. Her weeping symbolizes the end of her transition from a masculine dominant woman to a submissive female. Her transition seems to come from society rejection of the idea that woman are just as good as males. The society of Steinbeck’s story portrays women as not being able to take care of themselves – that they need a man to protect and do hard work for them. Ms. Allen knows that she can do work just as well as a man but she is continuously stricken down and discouraged by the comments from her husband and the repairman. She feels that even though she has the skills to prove, she will never be seen as equal to a man because of her gender. She may be a strong woman, but she is not strong enough to rise against society. She can well prove herself to the world that woman can be just like men by riding around in a wagon by herself or participating in a fight, but her chances of proving herself are slimmer than her chances of being taunted and picked on by other males. This realization, is the motor behind her stepping down from an independent female to a submissive old woman. How to cite The Chrysanthemums’s Character Analysis: Elisa Allen, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Othello Play Essay Example For Students
Othello Play Essay Shakespeares trajedy, Othello is a play based on passion unchecked. The desire for money, power, and love drive the characters to commit acts thatbetray any hint of rational thinking. Readers are given a taste of howpassionate Othello is in Act Two, Scene Three. Now, by heaven, My bloodbegins my safer guides to rule, And passion, having my best judgement collied,Essays to lead the way. Swounds, if I stir. Christs wounds if I stir?Othello knows he is a man capable of terrible destruction. Yet it is love thathe is afraid of not mortal men. This emotion is not so powerful that he deniesit? No. Instead he attempts to temper his love, yet this seems like a denial ofbeing uxorious. When Othello lands upon the shore of Cyprus and sees hisbeautiful Desdemona he exclaims, I cannot speak enough of this content. Itstops me here, it is to much joy. This joy of being in love stops hiswarrior heart. How can he not feel foolishy fond of his precious jewel. Afterthe sword fight in Act Two, Scene Three Othello utters, in line 23, Cassio,I love thee. Is he not doting upon his handsome leiutenant? He loves thesepeople, but instead of his love becoming his salvation, it is his Achillesheel. That love becomes a serpant that constricts around his heart and breaksit. The belief in alove turned sour is to much for poor Othello. Now he cannever love. Othello will never become oversubmissive to his wife because he canonly love as much as he sees he will receive in return. The answer to thequestion then appears to be that he is not uxorious because it is not allowed tobloom. The hateful seeds planted by Iago grow like weeds in Othellos mind andover take it. The gentle fruit of Desdemona and Cassio take to long to bear andare strangled out of existence. Shakespeare
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